Thanksgiving reminds me of a story. A story about learning to see things with new eyes. Often times people simply need a new perspective about things in order to change their lives. If we could all remember to see things differently, every day would be a new adventure. Here is the story of the man who needed new eyes to see.
Once upon a time, a fisherman came down with a horrible disease that caused him to become bored and tired with his life. He would spend hours upon hours searching for new things and new ideas to keep him happy and content. He would talk to the greatest minds of his day trying to learn new things and be entertained by new ideas.
To no avail, this fisherman could not find anything to appease him and keep him content in his life and his surroundings. People of his village began to wonder if this young man had become mad. They called for the doctors of the village and all the wisemen to come and evaluate this young man and help him overcome his restlessness.
After weeks of evaluating this young man, nothing could be found that was wrong with him. Yet the young fisherman was still restless and continued to search for new landscapes and adventures. Again, to no avail, he remained restless and bored with his life because everything seemed old and useless to him.
One day while the young man was wondering around the town with a frown on his face, an old hunch backed man with a sack on his shoulders wondered into town. Thinking that he had found something new and entertaining, the young fisherman went to this old man and began to question him.
"Where do you come from?" Asked the young fisherman.
"A place not as beautiful as this." Replied the old man.
"Why do you walk with such a limp?" Asked the fisherman.
"Because time has worn away my body, but not my spirit." Replied the old man.
The questions went on for hours upon hours and before long, the fisherman became bored. As he began to walk away, the old man asked the young fisherman why he was wondering so aimlessly with no place to go and nothing to accomplish.
The fisherman explained to the old man how he had become bored and was unable to discover anything new and exciting in his life. He told the old man of how he had wondered the entire village and all around it as well as talked to every person, including the educated and wise, and was still unable to find anything new.
The old man listened intently to the young mans story and smiled as the young man finished.
"You need new eyes!" The old man exclaimed.
"New eyes? My eyes are perfect." Replied the young man.
"It's not about your eyes being good or bad, but in learning to see new things through the same eyes. You look at the world and see the same things because you haven't learned to see with new eyes." The old man explained.
Many of us live our lives the same way. I can't tell you how often I hear people make the statement, "same old crap different day." It's not the same old crap different day because nothing is ever the same, and nothing stays the same.
Have you learned to see the world through new eyes? Have you learned to look at the "same old crap" with a new perspective? Have you learned how to open you eyes, and your mind, to new possibilities with the same tools and situations.
Learn to see with new eyes, to view the world from a new stand point, and you will be amazed at the things you never noticed before. If things are the same as they have always been, it's because you haven't taken the time to learn how to be inspired. To see things anew and allow them to inspire and motivate you.
5 Secrets Of The Law Of Attraction
There are 5 secrets of the law of attraction that you must understand in order to get the quickest, and best results possible. These are the core teachings of the Wealthy Life Secrets program at An in depth understanding of these 5 secrets is important to understand and apply if you truly with to live the life of your dreams. The 5 secrets are:
1. Addictions and habits. The first secret are your addictions and habits. Every single person is addicted to specific emotions and has specific habits. These emotional addictions and habits dictate our character and who we are. They govern our daily behaviors and responses in situations. Learn what your habits and addictions are, and learn to change them.
2. Being. You are your addictions and habits, in essence. If you are addicted to the emotional high that being a victim brings you, you are in essence a victim. If you are addicted to the emotional high of being happy, you are happy. Your addictions cause you to create habits, and the combination of those two create your level of being.
3. Thoughts. Your thoughts are created by who you are, and your being is created by addictions and habits. If you are addicted to the emotional high of victimization, you will develop habits that allow you to feel and sustain that emotional high, and that combination makes you a victim at your level of being. Your thoughts will wrap themselves around your level of being a victim, or anything else for that matter, and look to support that level of being and emotional addiction.
4. Words. Your words are the first physical representation of your addictions, being, and thoughts. You will speak as a victim speaks, because you feel, are, and think like a victim. You can begin to use your thoughts and your words in order to change your emotional addictions, and there for, change your level of being.
5. Actions. Your actions will line themselves up perfectly with the other four secrets. You cannot avoid it unless you change the other four levels of the secrets. It becomes a vicious loop as your addictions and habits create who you are, which dictates your thoughts, which create your words, which decide what actions you will take. You must start by changing your addictions if you wish to change your actions. Many people try to start with actions, and that is an up hill battle.
The earlier in the change you can effect things, the easier it is to get results. These secrets will always align themselves in order to sustain the emotional addictions and habits unless you consciously take action to change them. Thoughts are the powerful aspect of the secrets, because our thoughts can be used to effect and change any other level. Use your thoughts wisely, and change your addictions, and you begin to change your entire world and reality.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
Wealthy Life Secrets
1. Addictions and habits. The first secret are your addictions and habits. Every single person is addicted to specific emotions and has specific habits. These emotional addictions and habits dictate our character and who we are. They govern our daily behaviors and responses in situations. Learn what your habits and addictions are, and learn to change them.
2. Being. You are your addictions and habits, in essence. If you are addicted to the emotional high that being a victim brings you, you are in essence a victim. If you are addicted to the emotional high of being happy, you are happy. Your addictions cause you to create habits, and the combination of those two create your level of being.
3. Thoughts. Your thoughts are created by who you are, and your being is created by addictions and habits. If you are addicted to the emotional high of victimization, you will develop habits that allow you to feel and sustain that emotional high, and that combination makes you a victim at your level of being. Your thoughts will wrap themselves around your level of being a victim, or anything else for that matter, and look to support that level of being and emotional addiction.
4. Words. Your words are the first physical representation of your addictions, being, and thoughts. You will speak as a victim speaks, because you feel, are, and think like a victim. You can begin to use your thoughts and your words in order to change your emotional addictions, and there for, change your level of being.
5. Actions. Your actions will line themselves up perfectly with the other four secrets. You cannot avoid it unless you change the other four levels of the secrets. It becomes a vicious loop as your addictions and habits create who you are, which dictates your thoughts, which create your words, which decide what actions you will take. You must start by changing your addictions if you wish to change your actions. Many people try to start with actions, and that is an up hill battle.
The earlier in the change you can effect things, the easier it is to get results. These secrets will always align themselves in order to sustain the emotional addictions and habits unless you consciously take action to change them. Thoughts are the powerful aspect of the secrets, because our thoughts can be used to effect and change any other level. Use your thoughts wisely, and change your addictions, and you begin to change your entire world and reality.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
Wealthy Life Secrets
What Happened To Confidence?
I was speaking at an event last night, and I was amazed at what I had seen. Here was a group of people who truly wanted to succeed. People who sold an image. Yet, most of these people were nothing like the image they were trying to sell. These people had dreams, goals, things they wanted to accomplish. Yet very few of them honestly believed they deserved it or could actually have it.
I look around at people now days and I have to ask, what happened to confidence? In our society today, we have thousands of people telling us who and what to be. Family, friends, the media, magazines, music, athletes, stars. All we have to do is open our eyes and we will see people telling us who and what to be. We have lost the drive to be who we wish to be, who we want to be ourselves.
Especially when working with the law of attraction, we all need to make sure that we love ourselves. That we have a healthy relationship with ourselves. We have to develop the self esteem of knowing that we are perfect as we already are, and be ok with that person. Then we can develop the confidence to be ok with being wrong, being right, simply being.
If you aren't ok with who you are, no one else will be. You must love yourself before anyone else will love you. Develop the ability to be ok with who you are right now. You must also develop the ability to be grateful and happy for who and what you currently are in order to start manifesting and attracting the life you want to live.
Work on your confidence. Develop your self esteem. Work on being the type of person who deserves what you want to have. The type of person who believes they deserve what it is you want.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
I look around at people now days and I have to ask, what happened to confidence? In our society today, we have thousands of people telling us who and what to be. Family, friends, the media, magazines, music, athletes, stars. All we have to do is open our eyes and we will see people telling us who and what to be. We have lost the drive to be who we wish to be, who we want to be ourselves.
Especially when working with the law of attraction, we all need to make sure that we love ourselves. That we have a healthy relationship with ourselves. We have to develop the self esteem of knowing that we are perfect as we already are, and be ok with that person. Then we can develop the confidence to be ok with being wrong, being right, simply being.
If you aren't ok with who you are, no one else will be. You must love yourself before anyone else will love you. Develop the ability to be ok with who you are right now. You must also develop the ability to be grateful and happy for who and what you currently are in order to start manifesting and attracting the life you want to live.
Work on your confidence. Develop your self esteem. Work on being the type of person who deserves what you want to have. The type of person who believes they deserve what it is you want.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
What If?
I am sure that many of you have heard this question before, but I feel it needs to be repeated, and repeated, and repeated until people start taking it seriously. The question is simple, "what if you found out you were dieing?"
It's a hard question for many people to ask because people want to avoid and stay distracted from the fact that we are all dieing. I can sympathize with them, but I never did get it. But to each their own. Here is why it's an important question, and probably one of the most valuable ones you can ask.
First of all, we are all going to die no matter how much we avoid it or stay distracted from it. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away any more than ignoring the alligator knawing on your leg will make it go away.
Realizing that you are going to die causes you to open and realize that you have to live because your time is limited, and you never know how limited it is. It forces you to take responsibility for your life on a daily basis and make sure that you are spending each and every moment to your fullest potential.
So ask yourself, "what if I were dieing? What would I do? How would I live?" Ask yourself, and start taking action immediately. Knowing that you are going to die, and admitting it, causes you to realize that you must start taking action today. This is why I created the Wealthy Life Secrets program. To help people learn how to manifest, create, and attract the life of their dreams in the shortest amount of time possible.
Start living like you were dieing, because you are. Each and every breathe we waste on useless thoughts, actions, words, or anything else is a breathe we will never get back. Use each breathe wisely, laugh as much as possible, love deeper than you ever imagined you could, and chase your heart and your dreams with all of your being.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
It's a hard question for many people to ask because people want to avoid and stay distracted from the fact that we are all dieing. I can sympathize with them, but I never did get it. But to each their own. Here is why it's an important question, and probably one of the most valuable ones you can ask.
First of all, we are all going to die no matter how much we avoid it or stay distracted from it. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away any more than ignoring the alligator knawing on your leg will make it go away.
Realizing that you are going to die causes you to open and realize that you have to live because your time is limited, and you never know how limited it is. It forces you to take responsibility for your life on a daily basis and make sure that you are spending each and every moment to your fullest potential.
So ask yourself, "what if I were dieing? What would I do? How would I live?" Ask yourself, and start taking action immediately. Knowing that you are going to die, and admitting it, causes you to realize that you must start taking action today. This is why I created the Wealthy Life Secrets program. To help people learn how to manifest, create, and attract the life of their dreams in the shortest amount of time possible.
Start living like you were dieing, because you are. Each and every breathe we waste on useless thoughts, actions, words, or anything else is a breathe we will never get back. Use each breathe wisely, laugh as much as possible, love deeper than you ever imagined you could, and chase your heart and your dreams with all of your being.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
You Learn Based On What You Are Ready To Learn
Every 2-3 years I take the time to read specific books that I have already read before. There is a hand full of books that I think is important, at least for me, to read over and over again in order to keep growing.
What amazes me is that every single time I read these books, no matter how many times I read these books, I always get something completely new and completely different from these books. The books themselves haven't changed. They remain the same.
What has changed is me. I have changed. So every time I read these books, I am amazed at how much I pick up.
It's important for you to realize that no matter where you are in your learning and understanding, you will only ever get and learn what you are ready to learn. You might have heard something a thousand times, but it might be the 1001 time that you get the lesson behind what is said.
We are always only ever going to learn and understand what we are ready to understand based on where we are. It's important for you to keep growing and learning. Most people never go back and read or learn lessons they have learned before simply because they believe they have learned all that is possible from those lessons.
There is always another level to go. No matter what you have learned, there is always a deeper level to learn about. A next step, or a next phase. Even as something as simple as walking has more to teach and learn about. Just walking alone has balance, muscle movement, joint structure and movement, body dynamics, and much, much more to teach us. All this just from walking.
If this is true about walking, imagine what other things in your life have to teach you that you haven't learned yet. Be willing to open up and realize that no matter what you think you know or have learned, there is always more to learn.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
What amazes me is that every single time I read these books, no matter how many times I read these books, I always get something completely new and completely different from these books. The books themselves haven't changed. They remain the same.
What has changed is me. I have changed. So every time I read these books, I am amazed at how much I pick up.
It's important for you to realize that no matter where you are in your learning and understanding, you will only ever get and learn what you are ready to learn. You might have heard something a thousand times, but it might be the 1001 time that you get the lesson behind what is said.
We are always only ever going to learn and understand what we are ready to understand based on where we are. It's important for you to keep growing and learning. Most people never go back and read or learn lessons they have learned before simply because they believe they have learned all that is possible from those lessons.
There is always another level to go. No matter what you have learned, there is always a deeper level to learn about. A next step, or a next phase. Even as something as simple as walking has more to teach and learn about. Just walking alone has balance, muscle movement, joint structure and movement, body dynamics, and much, much more to teach us. All this just from walking.
If this is true about walking, imagine what other things in your life have to teach you that you haven't learned yet. Be willing to open up and realize that no matter what you think you know or have learned, there is always more to learn.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
Wealth Is About Doing What Others Won't
This morning I went to bed at 2:30am. I was back up at 7am to get my son ready to go to school. Shortly after dropping him off at the front door, I found myself crawling back into bed to get some more rest instead of starting my day.
After a few minutes, I couldn't get my head to stop spinning as I thought about all the things I had to get done today. So I drug myself back out from under the warm, cozy, comfortable covers and went to get started on the long, never ending list of things that I have to do every day.
After hours of work, I finally got to the task on my list of writing a blog and I wondered what I would write about, and came to the conclusion that this was a good topic that many people need to think about.
Often times success is about doing those things that others won't do. It's getting out of bed and going on much less sleep than most people in order to do what needs to be done. It's doing those things that are uncomfortable when we would rather be doing something else instead.
Rich and successful people often times become successful and rich by what they do in their spare time in a garage, or a house office, or a dorm room. Develop the habit to do what others won't do, and success will surely be a part of your daily experience.
After a few minutes, I couldn't get my head to stop spinning as I thought about all the things I had to get done today. So I drug myself back out from under the warm, cozy, comfortable covers and went to get started on the long, never ending list of things that I have to do every day.
After hours of work, I finally got to the task on my list of writing a blog and I wondered what I would write about, and came to the conclusion that this was a good topic that many people need to think about.
Often times success is about doing those things that others won't do. It's getting out of bed and going on much less sleep than most people in order to do what needs to be done. It's doing those things that are uncomfortable when we would rather be doing something else instead.
Rich and successful people often times become successful and rich by what they do in their spare time in a garage, or a house office, or a dorm room. Develop the habit to do what others won't do, and success will surely be a part of your daily experience.
The Law Of Attraction And Mental Management
When working with the law of attraction, many people have trouble due to one simple concept. Their inability to manage their thoughts.
In order to get the best results with the law of attraction, it's important to learn how to manage your thoughts and your emotions. Those who think like losers will get loser results. Those who think like winners get winner results.
We must all learn to recognize when we are using poor thinking. When we are thinking in a way that does not serve where we want to go. If there is something you want, you must focus on using thoughts that are in alignment with what you want to accomplish.
The same is true for emotions. We must all learn to develop the habit of keeping our emotions in check. When we are feeling doubtful, or fearful, or angry, or any other emotion that is not what we need to be feeling in order to accomplish our goals.
If you go to gamble and feel fear of losing your money as you sit down to the table, you should get up and walk away. Instead, be confident about what you are doing. Instead of fearing the loss of the $100 you have, feel confident that you will get up and leave after you win $300.
This must be done in all areas of our lives. Fear losing something and you begin to manifest that reality. Be confident that you will get something, and you begin to manifest that reality instead.
But in order for us to do this, we must develop the habit of changing our thoughts and emotions when they don't serve us.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
In order to get the best results with the law of attraction, it's important to learn how to manage your thoughts and your emotions. Those who think like losers will get loser results. Those who think like winners get winner results.
We must all learn to recognize when we are using poor thinking. When we are thinking in a way that does not serve where we want to go. If there is something you want, you must focus on using thoughts that are in alignment with what you want to accomplish.
The same is true for emotions. We must all learn to develop the habit of keeping our emotions in check. When we are feeling doubtful, or fearful, or angry, or any other emotion that is not what we need to be feeling in order to accomplish our goals.
If you go to gamble and feel fear of losing your money as you sit down to the table, you should get up and walk away. Instead, be confident about what you are doing. Instead of fearing the loss of the $100 you have, feel confident that you will get up and leave after you win $300.
This must be done in all areas of our lives. Fear losing something and you begin to manifest that reality. Be confident that you will get something, and you begin to manifest that reality instead.
But in order for us to do this, we must develop the habit of changing our thoughts and emotions when they don't serve us.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
The Secret To The Law Of Attraction
At Wealthy Life Secrets we often tell people about emotional addictions, but few people ever really study it or listen. I have written a book covering our physiological make up and how it hampers our ability to get results with the law of attraction.
One are that we constantly drill are our emotional addictions. Even today, after knowing and understanding this information and applying it to the law of attraction in my own life, I still have emotional addictions that I need to overcome and work on. But that's not necessarily the point.
The problem for many people when working with the law of attraction is that they never take the time to recognize their own emotional addictions. The secret to the law of attraction is recognizing and overcoming these emotional addictions in order to allow ourselves to maintain more positive emotions.
If we are addicted to negative emotions, we can't just flip a switch and be addicted to positive emotions. We have to learn to develop the habit of recognizing negative emotions in order to work on feeling positive emotions and developing those emotions as our addictions.
Work on your emotional addictions, and you instantly change what you attract.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
One are that we constantly drill are our emotional addictions. Even today, after knowing and understanding this information and applying it to the law of attraction in my own life, I still have emotional addictions that I need to overcome and work on. But that's not necessarily the point.
The problem for many people when working with the law of attraction is that they never take the time to recognize their own emotional addictions. The secret to the law of attraction is recognizing and overcoming these emotional addictions in order to allow ourselves to maintain more positive emotions.
If we are addicted to negative emotions, we can't just flip a switch and be addicted to positive emotions. We have to learn to develop the habit of recognizing negative emotions in order to work on feeling positive emotions and developing those emotions as our addictions.
Work on your emotional addictions, and you instantly change what you attract.
The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert
Have you ever wondered
Have you ever wondered what you are truly capable of? Seriously. Have you ever taken a moment to truly think about what is actually possible for one individual, for you. Of how much one person can actually impact the world and make it a better place due to intentionally applying oneself to ones full potential and ability.
I have, and I am constantly devoting myself to improving myself every day and in any way that I see I need to improve. Mostly it boils down to my thinking and how I use my mind 99% of the time. Usually it comes down to my thinking and my ability to open my mind just a little bit more in order to get out of my own way long enough to truly unleash my full potential and do and become everything I am capable of.
Most people never have the courage to face themselves. Most people will make up lies or excuses about who and what they are simply to avoid looking at who they really are. Most of us are not as horrible of a person as we fear we are. I believe that most people are afraid to admit that they aren't perfect, so to speak, just because that would mean that they have things to work on and don't have all the answers just as they are. The first trick is to admit that you don't know. That you don't know who you really are, what your capable of, and in many cases, what to do in order to understand both.
Find the courage within yourself to truly look at who you are and what you are capable of, and what you really need to do in order to become that person and you will be amazed at what you are capable of doing. You will be amazed to find that you can do things with your body and your mind that even you will be astounded by. You will find that there is much, much more within you than you ever thought possible, and that by applying what is within you that you will be able to accomplish more magic in a single minute of your life than most people will ever accomplish within their entire lifetime.
Wealth and Abundance,
Dwayne Gilbert
I have, and I am constantly devoting myself to improving myself every day and in any way that I see I need to improve. Mostly it boils down to my thinking and how I use my mind 99% of the time. Usually it comes down to my thinking and my ability to open my mind just a little bit more in order to get out of my own way long enough to truly unleash my full potential and do and become everything I am capable of.
Most people never have the courage to face themselves. Most people will make up lies or excuses about who and what they are simply to avoid looking at who they really are. Most of us are not as horrible of a person as we fear we are. I believe that most people are afraid to admit that they aren't perfect, so to speak, just because that would mean that they have things to work on and don't have all the answers just as they are. The first trick is to admit that you don't know. That you don't know who you really are, what your capable of, and in many cases, what to do in order to understand both.
Find the courage within yourself to truly look at who you are and what you are capable of, and what you really need to do in order to become that person and you will be amazed at what you are capable of doing. You will be amazed to find that you can do things with your body and your mind that even you will be astounded by. You will find that there is much, much more within you than you ever thought possible, and that by applying what is within you that you will be able to accomplish more magic in a single minute of your life than most people will ever accomplish within their entire lifetime.
Wealth and Abundance,
Dwayne Gilbert
Fear Is The Root Of All Evil, Not Money.
I often hear people, especially people who have no money, that money is the root of all evil. I never did understand this statement and I want to give you a different perspective on the whole thing. First of all, money itself is nothing more than paper. It's not money that is the root of all evil. In fact, that's not even what the bible says. The bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. This has two sides to it.
First of all, the love of money is the desire to have material things. Many people desire material things not for the added value they give to their life, but for the image those things present to the world about that person. For some reason, we have come to believe that what we have dictates who we are. This is not only foolish, but it's completely absurd.
Second of all, the love of money comes from fear, the most dangerous emotion that exists in all of mankind. The fear again comes from the belief that what we have is a reflection of who we are. The fear that not having that big house, or that car, or designer clothing will some how make us less of a person. That it will take away from our core essence. This again is not only foolish and untrue, but completely absurd.
Anger, violence, hate, frustration. They are all extensions of nothing but fear. We get angry because we fear that we will not get what we want or we fear that someone is some how going to take a piece of who we are from us. As though something intangible such as our personality can be taken away.
People also get violent out of fear. Sometimes fear can be good and keep us alive. Such as when someone tries to physically harm us or take us out of the world and we defend ourselves out of fear in order to stay alive. Often times though, people get violent out of fear. A fear again that someone who says something negative about us, or toward us is trying to harm us. It's important to understand that people can never take a part of our personality that we don't first give to them. Negative comments toward us, and fear about losing a piece of ourselves is nothing more than an illusion of our minds.
Frustration happens when we fear that something or someone will not do exactly as we wish. When we want something quicker or differently than it is. We fear that we have lost control, (control that we never truly had anyway) over specific things or situations or people. Again, another foolish idea to cling to when all that we ever have any control over at all is ourselves, our minds, and our responses to the world and people around us.
Hate is an extension of anger, violence, and frustration. It comes from prolonged negative emotions that come from fear. Eventually we fear something long enough that we develop complete disgust for that situation, person, or thing.
Fear is one of the biggest and quickest stops when it comes to getting results with the law of attraction. Fear that we won't get what we want, which of course creates exactly that, us not getting what we want. Fear that we aren't good enough. Fear that we won't find a way to manifest and attract that which we want. Fear of a million different things.
Be sure to monitor your fear, your anger, your frustration, your emotions that evolve from fear. Be sure to push fear and all of it's relatives as far from your mind as possible. The guided meditations in the full Wealthy Life Secrets Mastery Program are designed to help you control your mind in a more powerful way in order to avoid allowing fear to enter into your reality. Use them on a regular basis to gain control over the demon of fear.
Wealth and Abundance,
Dwayne Gilbert
First of all, the love of money is the desire to have material things. Many people desire material things not for the added value they give to their life, but for the image those things present to the world about that person. For some reason, we have come to believe that what we have dictates who we are. This is not only foolish, but it's completely absurd.
Second of all, the love of money comes from fear, the most dangerous emotion that exists in all of mankind. The fear again comes from the belief that what we have is a reflection of who we are. The fear that not having that big house, or that car, or designer clothing will some how make us less of a person. That it will take away from our core essence. This again is not only foolish and untrue, but completely absurd.
Anger, violence, hate, frustration. They are all extensions of nothing but fear. We get angry because we fear that we will not get what we want or we fear that someone is some how going to take a piece of who we are from us. As though something intangible such as our personality can be taken away.
People also get violent out of fear. Sometimes fear can be good and keep us alive. Such as when someone tries to physically harm us or take us out of the world and we defend ourselves out of fear in order to stay alive. Often times though, people get violent out of fear. A fear again that someone who says something negative about us, or toward us is trying to harm us. It's important to understand that people can never take a part of our personality that we don't first give to them. Negative comments toward us, and fear about losing a piece of ourselves is nothing more than an illusion of our minds.
Frustration happens when we fear that something or someone will not do exactly as we wish. When we want something quicker or differently than it is. We fear that we have lost control, (control that we never truly had anyway) over specific things or situations or people. Again, another foolish idea to cling to when all that we ever have any control over at all is ourselves, our minds, and our responses to the world and people around us.
Hate is an extension of anger, violence, and frustration. It comes from prolonged negative emotions that come from fear. Eventually we fear something long enough that we develop complete disgust for that situation, person, or thing.
Fear is one of the biggest and quickest stops when it comes to getting results with the law of attraction. Fear that we won't get what we want, which of course creates exactly that, us not getting what we want. Fear that we aren't good enough. Fear that we won't find a way to manifest and attract that which we want. Fear of a million different things.
Be sure to monitor your fear, your anger, your frustration, your emotions that evolve from fear. Be sure to push fear and all of it's relatives as far from your mind as possible. The guided meditations in the full Wealthy Life Secrets Mastery Program are designed to help you control your mind in a more powerful way in order to avoid allowing fear to enter into your reality. Use them on a regular basis to gain control over the demon of fear.
Wealth and Abundance,
Dwayne Gilbert
The Power Of Love
Love is a very powerful force. It is one of the highest vibrations we can feel on the emotional spectrum. That is why almost everyone is looking for it. It causes our bodies to sing and our minds to realize possibilities that weren't present before love entered our lives. Love is a force that can move mountains, or get in the way of progress.
It's important to not only be loved, but to love in return. The more we are able to love, not just someone we want to be with, but other people and things as much as possible, the closer to understanding the universe we get, and the closer to having what we want we get. Love is a vibration that attracts things to us at an amazing rate.
We must learn to live in a state of constant love. Try this the next time you are driving and find yourself behind someone who angers you. Instead of yelling at the car in front of you to get out or your way, or any other form of negative emotion, remember to calm down for a moment. After you have calmed yourself, put a smile on your face and softly say I love you as you begin to see the car turning off or getting into the other lane in your mind. As you do this, begin to feel the feelings of love. What you will find is that the highway or road will open up in front of you very quickly. The vibration of love allows the universe to open up for us and offer opportunity and insight that would not have been there other wise.
Remember to live in a constant state of love. Remember the power of love. Remember to love, and you will begin to recognize your entire world changing by leaps and bounds.
It's important to not only be loved, but to love in return. The more we are able to love, not just someone we want to be with, but other people and things as much as possible, the closer to understanding the universe we get, and the closer to having what we want we get. Love is a vibration that attracts things to us at an amazing rate.
We must learn to live in a state of constant love. Try this the next time you are driving and find yourself behind someone who angers you. Instead of yelling at the car in front of you to get out or your way, or any other form of negative emotion, remember to calm down for a moment. After you have calmed yourself, put a smile on your face and softly say I love you as you begin to see the car turning off or getting into the other lane in your mind. As you do this, begin to feel the feelings of love. What you will find is that the highway or road will open up in front of you very quickly. The vibration of love allows the universe to open up for us and offer opportunity and insight that would not have been there other wise.
Remember to live in a constant state of love. Remember the power of love. Remember to love, and you will begin to recognize your entire world changing by leaps and bounds.
There Is Always A Consequence
Today I was faced numerous times with the consequences of a decision I recently made. The decision I made is one that moves me closer to where I want to be and what I want to accomplish. However, there is always a cost for every decision. There is always a consequence to pay for what we decide to do. There is always a cost. As they say, nothing in life is free. It doesn't always cost money, but there is always a price for everything.
The decision that I recently made was simple. There is a woman I have been friends with for a couple of months now, and we have developed emotions for one another over the last few weeks. We decided to make a commitment to one another. Sounds simple enough right. Well, here is the catch. There is another woman I was talking to and becoming friends with that had romantic intentions. I told her from the get go that there was no promise and that I wasn't rushing into anything and that I wasn't really looking for a relationship. She had done me a couple of favors, and now feels betrayed because I decided to date another woman. I wasn't misleading or dishonest about any of it, but the cost there was a friendship.
Another catch to my situation is the fact that a mentor of mine has eyes for the woman I started dating. Now I have to tell him that I we are seeing one another. I am sure it will go well, however, I am concerned that it may offend him for not telling him last week when the relationship started. I had no idea he had an interest in her when he asked her out, so I figured it didn't matter if he knew about us or not. Now I have to have a conversation and tell him about the two of us. Again, the cost there may be a friendship, though he is a bigger man than that.
The point is simple. No matter what we decide to do, or where we decide to go, there is always a price to pay. There is always something we are giving up to get something else. There is always something we are losing out on to keep what we have. There is always a price of some sort. Always, and we must be willing to pay the price for what we want, or be willing to pay the price for not going after what we want. In the end it comes down to us being willing to do what it takes to get what we want.
The decision that I recently made was simple. There is a woman I have been friends with for a couple of months now, and we have developed emotions for one another over the last few weeks. We decided to make a commitment to one another. Sounds simple enough right. Well, here is the catch. There is another woman I was talking to and becoming friends with that had romantic intentions. I told her from the get go that there was no promise and that I wasn't rushing into anything and that I wasn't really looking for a relationship. She had done me a couple of favors, and now feels betrayed because I decided to date another woman. I wasn't misleading or dishonest about any of it, but the cost there was a friendship.
Another catch to my situation is the fact that a mentor of mine has eyes for the woman I started dating. Now I have to tell him that I we are seeing one another. I am sure it will go well, however, I am concerned that it may offend him for not telling him last week when the relationship started. I had no idea he had an interest in her when he asked her out, so I figured it didn't matter if he knew about us or not. Now I have to have a conversation and tell him about the two of us. Again, the cost there may be a friendship, though he is a bigger man than that.
The point is simple. No matter what we decide to do, or where we decide to go, there is always a price to pay. There is always something we are giving up to get something else. There is always something we are losing out on to keep what we have. There is always a price of some sort. Always, and we must be willing to pay the price for what we want, or be willing to pay the price for not going after what we want. In the end it comes down to us being willing to do what it takes to get what we want.
You Think Your Promised Another Day
I often hear people say that they will get to where they want to go. Then their actions say something completely different. I understand that it takes time to accomplish things and that nothing happens with the snap of a finger. However, most people never take action toward what they want and where they want to go. They are always putting this or that off until tomorrow, and when tomorrow gets here, it's put off again until tomorrow. We need to remember that we need to take action today, right now, in the present.
None of us are promised another day. None of us are promised another moment. The only moment we ever have is right here and right now. We never know what the next moment will bring, including death. We need to utilize every single second of our lives properly. We need to remember to chase our dreams and when we find something we want we have to go get it. We need to remember to say I love you to all the people in our lives we love as often as possible, and to never leave them with any amount of anger or frustration in our hearts. If you think your promised another day, your wrong.
Life is a very fragile and fleeting thing. All that matters in the end is that we use every moment of our lives to recognize love and happiness. To connect with those we love and care about. To find a place within ourselves and our lives that is precious and valuable. I'm just as guilty as everyone else in that I don't always use every single moment to find happiness and joy. But the more I remember the lessons I am talking about here, the more I connect with those I love and care about. The more I chase after what I want. The more I go out and get my dreams. Live life full of love, for yourself, for others, for life in general. Live your life full of peace and prosperity. Live your life, one moment at a time, and make each and every moment the most beautiful moment of your life.
None of us are promised another day. None of us are promised another moment. The only moment we ever have is right here and right now. We never know what the next moment will bring, including death. We need to utilize every single second of our lives properly. We need to remember to chase our dreams and when we find something we want we have to go get it. We need to remember to say I love you to all the people in our lives we love as often as possible, and to never leave them with any amount of anger or frustration in our hearts. If you think your promised another day, your wrong.
Life is a very fragile and fleeting thing. All that matters in the end is that we use every moment of our lives to recognize love and happiness. To connect with those we love and care about. To find a place within ourselves and our lives that is precious and valuable. I'm just as guilty as everyone else in that I don't always use every single moment to find happiness and joy. But the more I remember the lessons I am talking about here, the more I connect with those I love and care about. The more I chase after what I want. The more I go out and get my dreams. Live life full of love, for yourself, for others, for life in general. Live your life full of peace and prosperity. Live your life, one moment at a time, and make each and every moment the most beautiful moment of your life.
Don't Let Anyone Stop You From Chasing Your Dreams
There are many people in our country that believe that we have the right to happiness, and that the Declaration Of Independence gives us that right. The Declaration Of Independence does not give us the right to happiness. It gives us the right to the pursuit of happiness. There is a big difference. That means that each and every one of us has the right to chase after whatever we believe will bring us happiness. Most people have it backwards. They believe that they have the right to happiness, as though it is someone else's responsibility to give it to them.
No one can give us happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. A state of being in the world. No amount of material things, or love, or stuff in general could ever give us happiness. Granted, those are things that help contribute to our happiness, but they are not what give us happiness. We must realize that only we ourselves can create happiness in our lives by chasing after those things that will help us realize happiness. By finding someone to give our love to. By finding something to devote ourselves to. By finding a place in the world that makes us feel at home and comfortable. True happiness lives on the inside of us, and is reflected in the world by our actions.
Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to hold on to that dream with everything you have. If there is something you want, you have to go and get it. Chasing our dreams and goals is a major part of happiness. Whether our dreams and goals be love, or a career, or a large combination of many different things. We must hold on to our dreams with all our might, and never let anyone strip us of our dreams and goals. That is what the true pursuit of happiness is really all about.
No one can give us happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. A state of being in the world. No amount of material things, or love, or stuff in general could ever give us happiness. Granted, those are things that help contribute to our happiness, but they are not what give us happiness. We must realize that only we ourselves can create happiness in our lives by chasing after those things that will help us realize happiness. By finding someone to give our love to. By finding something to devote ourselves to. By finding a place in the world that makes us feel at home and comfortable. True happiness lives on the inside of us, and is reflected in the world by our actions.
Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to hold on to that dream with everything you have. If there is something you want, you have to go and get it. Chasing our dreams and goals is a major part of happiness. Whether our dreams and goals be love, or a career, or a large combination of many different things. We must hold on to our dreams with all our might, and never let anyone strip us of our dreams and goals. That is what the true pursuit of happiness is really all about.
Sometimes We Don't Have As Far To Go As We Think
I am constantly on a path of development and growth. I am always trying to move forward and progress on a regular basis. Sometimes though I am reminded that I don't have as far to go as I think I do. Today was one of those days. I used to be a very gentle person who was constantly walked on. I had to fix that.
I spent quite a bit of time working on the powerful, strong, confident side of myself. I was under the impression that I still had a lot of work to do on that side of the spectrum. Today I had a conversation with a client and how much I have helped them and made an impact on their life. It was a great reminder that I have come a long way, and I have found a good balance between strong and powerful as well as compassionate and caring.
We need to remember while we are on the path of personal development that the horizon is always moving as we move. Just as traveling in the world, the horizon in the distance will always be out there. We need to take the time to reflect back on where we have come from. It's important to know where you are going, but it's also important to know where we have come from and how far we have traveled so far.
The journey will never end, be proud of what you have done so far. Be aware of where you are going and what you are working on. Know that there is always more to do, but we have already done so much.
I spent quite a bit of time working on the powerful, strong, confident side of myself. I was under the impression that I still had a lot of work to do on that side of the spectrum. Today I had a conversation with a client and how much I have helped them and made an impact on their life. It was a great reminder that I have come a long way, and I have found a good balance between strong and powerful as well as compassionate and caring.
We need to remember while we are on the path of personal development that the horizon is always moving as we move. Just as traveling in the world, the horizon in the distance will always be out there. We need to take the time to reflect back on where we have come from. It's important to know where you are going, but it's also important to know where we have come from and how far we have traveled so far.
The journey will never end, be proud of what you have done so far. Be aware of where you are going and what you are working on. Know that there is always more to do, but we have already done so much.
Getting Something Out Of Everyday.
I spent some time today looking at how some people manage to promote themselves. There are tons of lessons out there to help us get to where we want to go in our lives, all we have to do is pay close enough attention to what is going on. I received a booklet in the mail today for an employee seminar. It helped open my eyes to how easy, with the proper organization, how easy it is to start doing my own seminars.
The point is simple. Pay attention to everything, because we never know what one thing might be the one thing we need to move us forward toward our goals. It may be a piece of mail, or something someone says. We need to keep our eyes open to the world around us so that we are able to recognize opportunities and answers.
Everything that we experience has something to offer us. Of course you have probably heard this before, however, have you really listened to the lesson. Are you at a point where you are able to take lessons out of everything you hear, and see, and experience. Are you able to take that knowledge and apply it to your daily life. Can you apply it to where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. Everything has something to offer us, if we learn to look close enough and see the lessons.
The point is simple. Pay attention to everything, because we never know what one thing might be the one thing we need to move us forward toward our goals. It may be a piece of mail, or something someone says. We need to keep our eyes open to the world around us so that we are able to recognize opportunities and answers.
Everything that we experience has something to offer us. Of course you have probably heard this before, however, have you really listened to the lesson. Are you at a point where you are able to take lessons out of everything you hear, and see, and experience. Are you able to take that knowledge and apply it to your daily life. Can you apply it to where you want to go and what you want to accomplish. Everything has something to offer us, if we learn to look close enough and see the lessons.
Good Friends And Success
There are all types of people in the world, and in our lives. We need to be careful what people we allow in our inner circle, because these are the people who have the most amount of influence on our success. We need to choose friends based on where we want to go, and where they are going. Our circle of friends include family and a significant other.
One of the hardest things for many people to do is to let go of people in their lives that do not offer support and help when it comes to chasing dreams and goals. We have been taught that there should be a loyalty to people we are related to or to people we have been friends with for a long time. We need to understand what loyalty is, and we need to give our loyalty to people we bring into our circle, however, we also need to be able and willing to withdraw our loyalty from those who no longer are able to serve our direction in life. Everything changes, and those who hold us back because of their lack of ambition or goals, or because of the way they constantly shoot us down when we chase our goals and dreams should be cut lose.
Friends should be people who tell us we are wrong when we are wrong. Not people who tell us what they think we need to hear. Friends are people who lift us up when we fall and help us keep moving. They show us the light when only see darkness, and show us the path when we lose our way. They have goals and dreams of their own and the two of you are able to move closer to the life of your dreams together.
So be mindful of the friends you choose. The people we surround ourselves with are either the stimulus that help us get closer to the life of our dreams, or hold us back from where we want to go. More often than not, the people around us are the biggest reason we succeed or fail. Choose your friends carefully.
One of the hardest things for many people to do is to let go of people in their lives that do not offer support and help when it comes to chasing dreams and goals. We have been taught that there should be a loyalty to people we are related to or to people we have been friends with for a long time. We need to understand what loyalty is, and we need to give our loyalty to people we bring into our circle, however, we also need to be able and willing to withdraw our loyalty from those who no longer are able to serve our direction in life. Everything changes, and those who hold us back because of their lack of ambition or goals, or because of the way they constantly shoot us down when we chase our goals and dreams should be cut lose.
Friends should be people who tell us we are wrong when we are wrong. Not people who tell us what they think we need to hear. Friends are people who lift us up when we fall and help us keep moving. They show us the light when only see darkness, and show us the path when we lose our way. They have goals and dreams of their own and the two of you are able to move closer to the life of your dreams together.
So be mindful of the friends you choose. The people we surround ourselves with are either the stimulus that help us get closer to the life of our dreams, or hold us back from where we want to go. More often than not, the people around us are the biggest reason we succeed or fail. Choose your friends carefully.
The Vision
It's important to have a vision in our lives. Something that is worth striving for. Something we want so badly that we will do anything to have it. Anything within moral and ethical values of course. But a purpose that is so consuming that we lose sleep to have it because we go to bed late at night, and wake up early to get started again.
Hopefully the vision you have for your life includes friends, a significant other, good health, and something that you can utterly devote your life to, and hopefully all that allows you to feel happiness and fulfillment in yourself and your life. We must know what we want, and we must know what that looks like. Without a vision, we have no idea where we are going and we have nothing to keep our eyes on.
Without a vision, we have nothing to keep our eyes on. We must have something that we can see in our minds eye that keeps us moving. Without a vision, we can easily get off course with where ever it is we want to go. A vision burns deep within us. It stirs up passion and drive. It causes us to break outside our boundries. A vision allows us to become more than we ever thought possible. It allows us to leave a mark in the world that is greater than we could ever be, and one that lasts longer than we could ever live. A vision inspires us to do more not only for ourselves, but for everyone else in the world, especially the ones we love.
A vision is a powerful force. The problem with most people is they never find a vision that is worthy of them and their efforts, and if they do, they never truly want that vision to become a reality bad enough. Many people have a fascination with what they want, but never a burning passion for that vision. Many people want to be rich financially, but they only long for it. They don't have a burning passion to have that money and do what it takes to get there. A vision and a burning desire to have that vision become a reality is the first, and probably the most important step toward getting what you want. Work on your vision and your drive. Everything else you need will come as you move along.
Hopefully the vision you have for your life includes friends, a significant other, good health, and something that you can utterly devote your life to, and hopefully all that allows you to feel happiness and fulfillment in yourself and your life. We must know what we want, and we must know what that looks like. Without a vision, we have no idea where we are going and we have nothing to keep our eyes on.
Without a vision, we have nothing to keep our eyes on. We must have something that we can see in our minds eye that keeps us moving. Without a vision, we can easily get off course with where ever it is we want to go. A vision burns deep within us. It stirs up passion and drive. It causes us to break outside our boundries. A vision allows us to become more than we ever thought possible. It allows us to leave a mark in the world that is greater than we could ever be, and one that lasts longer than we could ever live. A vision inspires us to do more not only for ourselves, but for everyone else in the world, especially the ones we love.
A vision is a powerful force. The problem with most people is they never find a vision that is worthy of them and their efforts, and if they do, they never truly want that vision to become a reality bad enough. Many people have a fascination with what they want, but never a burning passion for that vision. Many people want to be rich financially, but they only long for it. They don't have a burning passion to have that money and do what it takes to get there. A vision and a burning desire to have that vision become a reality is the first, and probably the most important step toward getting what you want. Work on your vision and your drive. Everything else you need will come as you move along.
We Always Have A Choice
No matter what happens in life, we always have a choice. No matter the demons that wage war inside of us. No matter the things that happen to us in our lives. We always have choices. We can choose to bring out the best in us, or not. Life is full of options, and we need to make sure we are making those options.
I believe that far to few people make choices in their lives, or believe they have control and choices. They kind of let life happen to them, and take things as they come. Instead, we need to realize that our lives are designed by the choices we make. Good or bad. Right or wrong. Our lives become what we allow them to be, or choose to make them be.
So the real question in every day of our lives, in every moment of our lives, is what our choices will be. Will we make the choice that moves us closer to happiness. Closer to our own success and well being. Will we decide to open up and realize what a beautiful experience life is. Will we choose to be the best of ourselves, and choose to do what's right. Or will we choose the path that is easy and leads to sorrow and despair. The choice is yours.
I believe that far to few people make choices in their lives, or believe they have control and choices. They kind of let life happen to them, and take things as they come. Instead, we need to realize that our lives are designed by the choices we make. Good or bad. Right or wrong. Our lives become what we allow them to be, or choose to make them be.
So the real question in every day of our lives, in every moment of our lives, is what our choices will be. Will we make the choice that moves us closer to happiness. Closer to our own success and well being. Will we decide to open up and realize what a beautiful experience life is. Will we choose to be the best of ourselves, and choose to do what's right. Or will we choose the path that is easy and leads to sorrow and despair. The choice is yours.
Money Is An Idea
Many people believe that money is a thing. In a sense, it is a thing, but it is an idea first. The common perception is that money is something we have to work hard for. I have never really believed this. There is work, and sometimes it's tiresome and long, but it isn't as hard as most people make it out to be.
Most people get a job and work hours upon hours to make a couple hundred dollars a week. I respect that, however, typical labor jobs that most people get involved in really aren't that fulfilling, and they make a person feel old and tired at a very young age. To me, money is an idea, and it's my ability to understand that idea and play with it that will create financial wealth in my life. My ability to relate to the idea and concept of money that will take me where I want to go, and you where you want to go.
For example, selling 100,000 copies of a book at $35 each would net you 3.5 million dollars. Some of you reading this will look at that and say that that is a huge amount and all but impossible. Others will look at it and come up with the idea that there are costs and expenses and until your done you won't be able to keep most of that and all the taxes you would have to pay and a million other excuses. Still others will look at that and realize that it isn't that much at all. Of course it isn't necessarily and easy goal, but it's far from impossible. there are sites like youtube and myspace that have literally millions of visitors a day, and they did that in a very short period of time.
The whole point here is that money is just an idea. That 100,000 sales is pathetic compared to the number of people that sign on to the internet every single moment. The key is to be able to drive enough traffic to a website in the time that you allow yourself to reach that goal. With a 10% conversion, which is actually better than average, that is 1,000,000 visitors. In a three year period, that is only 333,333 visitors a year. 27,777 a month. Over a five year period, the numbers get smaller. Far from impossible. Tough, yes. Impossible, never.
Most people get a job and work hours upon hours to make a couple hundred dollars a week. I respect that, however, typical labor jobs that most people get involved in really aren't that fulfilling, and they make a person feel old and tired at a very young age. To me, money is an idea, and it's my ability to understand that idea and play with it that will create financial wealth in my life. My ability to relate to the idea and concept of money that will take me where I want to go, and you where you want to go.
For example, selling 100,000 copies of a book at $35 each would net you 3.5 million dollars. Some of you reading this will look at that and say that that is a huge amount and all but impossible. Others will look at it and come up with the idea that there are costs and expenses and until your done you won't be able to keep most of that and all the taxes you would have to pay and a million other excuses. Still others will look at that and realize that it isn't that much at all. Of course it isn't necessarily and easy goal, but it's far from impossible. there are sites like youtube and myspace that have literally millions of visitors a day, and they did that in a very short period of time.
The whole point here is that money is just an idea. That 100,000 sales is pathetic compared to the number of people that sign on to the internet every single moment. The key is to be able to drive enough traffic to a website in the time that you allow yourself to reach that goal. With a 10% conversion, which is actually better than average, that is 1,000,000 visitors. In a three year period, that is only 333,333 visitors a year. 27,777 a month. Over a five year period, the numbers get smaller. Far from impossible. Tough, yes. Impossible, never.
Clairity Of Vision
One key to success is the ability to have a clear vision of where it is you want to go. Once you have a clear vision, it's important to plan out as much as possible on how you intend to get there. As a Success Development Consultant, it's important for me to sell myself as an image. Since I am starting from scratch with no reputation outside of my little circle, I need to take the time to do activities that allow me to present myself as an expert.
This will be done in many different ways. Article writing is something I have already been doing with well over a 100 articles online. I will also start to submit articles to physical magazines and publications. I will also take the time to network online and get involved in forum's, groups, social sites, and connections with other people that are a part of the self help and law of attraction.
Making sure you have a workable plan is essential to success. Of course there are pieces that you may not know how you will get to where you want to go. That is fine. Simply have faith that an answer will present itself when the time is right. An answer will present itself when the time is right, and you will get to where you want to go. But plan things out as best as possible. A goal is a dream with a deadline. It is amazing how inspiring having a workable plan is. All that needs to be done at that point is working the plan. Plan the work an work the plan.
Good luck on your journey's and I'll keep you posted on my ow progress as I make my own path in the world.
This will be done in many different ways. Article writing is something I have already been doing with well over a 100 articles online. I will also start to submit articles to physical magazines and publications. I will also take the time to network online and get involved in forum's, groups, social sites, and connections with other people that are a part of the self help and law of attraction.
Making sure you have a workable plan is essential to success. Of course there are pieces that you may not know how you will get to where you want to go. That is fine. Simply have faith that an answer will present itself when the time is right. An answer will present itself when the time is right, and you will get to where you want to go. But plan things out as best as possible. A goal is a dream with a deadline. It is amazing how inspiring having a workable plan is. All that needs to be done at that point is working the plan. Plan the work an work the plan.
Good luck on your journey's and I'll keep you posted on my ow progress as I make my own path in the world.
The Path Of Life
Sometimes we all get a sense of being overwhelmed. If you are truly on a path of personal development, and you are growing, and you are heading toward success, there will be times when life seems to overwhelm you. There will be moments when there never seems to be enough time to get everything done you want to get done, and that it seems so far to get to where you want to go.
We must take time to reflect on where we have already gone from time to time. We have to look back and see how far we have come. There will always be more that needs to be done, and more places we want to go. The horizon, when we are constantly moving, will always seem like it is over there. Just as if you were to walk from one coast to the next. The horizon will always be in the future way out there. But we need to look back at the path we have traveled so far and how far we have come and all we have done.
There will also be times when the path will seem lonely. Every one deals with the feeling of being alone in this world. In fact, some people have so much trouble dealing with the feeling of being alone that they take their own lives. This too is normal, and will pass. Every persons life is a path that is traveled alone, but with company. What I mean is that no one else walks in your steps, travels your path, and heads in your direction. There will always be people along the journey who travel beside us from time to time, and some longer than others, but the journey of life is a journey that is always taken alone.
All of this is normal, and sometimes it's easier than others. We need to remember to keep moving no matter how much life seems to overwhelm us at times. We need to remember that it's never the destination that matters, but it truly is the journey to get there. The destination can be rewarding, but it only lasts for a few moments before the next part of another journey begins. Life is a journey, and that journey is a personal one. Travel it well, and the rewards along the path will more than make the time and effort worth while.
We must take time to reflect on where we have already gone from time to time. We have to look back and see how far we have come. There will always be more that needs to be done, and more places we want to go. The horizon, when we are constantly moving, will always seem like it is over there. Just as if you were to walk from one coast to the next. The horizon will always be in the future way out there. But we need to look back at the path we have traveled so far and how far we have come and all we have done.
There will also be times when the path will seem lonely. Every one deals with the feeling of being alone in this world. In fact, some people have so much trouble dealing with the feeling of being alone that they take their own lives. This too is normal, and will pass. Every persons life is a path that is traveled alone, but with company. What I mean is that no one else walks in your steps, travels your path, and heads in your direction. There will always be people along the journey who travel beside us from time to time, and some longer than others, but the journey of life is a journey that is always taken alone.
All of this is normal, and sometimes it's easier than others. We need to remember to keep moving no matter how much life seems to overwhelm us at times. We need to remember that it's never the destination that matters, but it truly is the journey to get there. The destination can be rewarding, but it only lasts for a few moments before the next part of another journey begins. Life is a journey, and that journey is a personal one. Travel it well, and the rewards along the path will more than make the time and effort worth while.
The Power Of Dreams
The title of this blog is the power of dreams, and I am talking about both types of dreams. The ones we have in our hearts while we are awake, and the ones that we hold in our minds at night as we sleep. Both are powerful forces in our lives, and both need to be recognized and listened to on a regular basis.
The dreams we hold in our hearts during our waking hours dictate much of what we do and the decisions we make on a regular basis. These should be the things that create passion deep inside of us. The parts of us that move us to do more with ourselves and our lives. The pieces of our lives that give us something to wake up for every morning. Be it in love, business, pleasure, or whatever part of our lives. Our dreams are what turn us into the people we become, and the choices we make to get there shape our character. The people with out dreams are the ones who die the quickest, on the inside and the outside.
Our dreams at night on the other hand are a little bit different. These are a direct reflection into our emotions and our desires and our hopes. It is our subconscious mind trying to communicate with us. Tell us what is really going on inside of us and sometimes on the outside in the world around us. Our dreams need our attention on a regular basis because they give us incredible insight into where we currently are. Our emotions and our reactions to things.
For example, I had a dream last night that I was on a train and I had a human heart. I had to protect that human heart from ghosts that were coming to get it. I wasn't afraid or anything of these ghosts because I knew that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get the heart from me. I had to pay attention and be careful, but I just knew they wouldn't be able to get it. I believe this dream means that I have to be careful with my heart as I keep it out in the open from the ghosts of not only my past, but of my present. I am still not sure what the train was all about, or why all of this happened at night in my dream, but that will come with a little more reflection.
The point though is that our dreams tell us a lot of information that we should pay attention to. Our waking dreams and desires tell us where we want to go and what path we should be on to find our own sense of happiness and peace. Our dreams at night help us know if we are on the right path or not. Learn to listen to all your dreams. They are incredibly powerful forces and offer insight into many different parts of ourselves and our lives.
The dreams we hold in our hearts during our waking hours dictate much of what we do and the decisions we make on a regular basis. These should be the things that create passion deep inside of us. The parts of us that move us to do more with ourselves and our lives. The pieces of our lives that give us something to wake up for every morning. Be it in love, business, pleasure, or whatever part of our lives. Our dreams are what turn us into the people we become, and the choices we make to get there shape our character. The people with out dreams are the ones who die the quickest, on the inside and the outside.
Our dreams at night on the other hand are a little bit different. These are a direct reflection into our emotions and our desires and our hopes. It is our subconscious mind trying to communicate with us. Tell us what is really going on inside of us and sometimes on the outside in the world around us. Our dreams need our attention on a regular basis because they give us incredible insight into where we currently are. Our emotions and our reactions to things.
For example, I had a dream last night that I was on a train and I had a human heart. I had to protect that human heart from ghosts that were coming to get it. I wasn't afraid or anything of these ghosts because I knew that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get the heart from me. I had to pay attention and be careful, but I just knew they wouldn't be able to get it. I believe this dream means that I have to be careful with my heart as I keep it out in the open from the ghosts of not only my past, but of my present. I am still not sure what the train was all about, or why all of this happened at night in my dream, but that will come with a little more reflection.
The point though is that our dreams tell us a lot of information that we should pay attention to. Our waking dreams and desires tell us where we want to go and what path we should be on to find our own sense of happiness and peace. Our dreams at night help us know if we are on the right path or not. Learn to listen to all your dreams. They are incredibly powerful forces and offer insight into many different parts of ourselves and our lives.
law of attraction
Emotional Control
Learning to manage our emotions can be one of the most valuable skills we can ever learn. There is so much in the world and our daily lives sometimes that will effect our emotions in a negative way that we just can't afford not to manage our emotions. The law of attraction states that we will attract to us what ever we think and feel about the most. So we have to manage our emotions and keep them in the positive realm. I know, that's not always the easiest thing to do.
About three months ago I met a woman with whom I had been talking with on an almost daily basis. Of course I didn't love this woman, but I had begun to feel strongly for her. Well, recently she started playing games. We went out dancing one night and she spent most of the night grinding on other men. That didn't bother me so much since I know women like to socialize and I received her intimacy and kisses. More recently she isn't answering when I call and such. Of course this put me into a negative state fairly easily and reminded me of the importance of managing my emotions. I had to work pretty hard to let go of the negative thoughts and mindset and emotions and bring them back to the positive side, but I did. Life is to short to feel badly.
I learned a couple lessons from this experience. The first is that I have to stay focused on my goals and the adventure that my life is on and maintain those positive emotions in all areas of my life regardless of what another area is causing. The second thing I learned is that I need to be even more clear when working with the law of attraction. I used it to attract her, but I obviously forgot to ask for a woman who is emotionally available as well as all the other traits I want in a woman. Experience is the greatest teacher, so the more I work with the law of attraction the better I get with it.
So learn from my mistakes. Make sure you are as clear as crystal when you ask the universe for what you want, and make sure you learn to manage your emotions and keep them positive. Good luck on your journey of success!
Peace and Happiness,
About three months ago I met a woman with whom I had been talking with on an almost daily basis. Of course I didn't love this woman, but I had begun to feel strongly for her. Well, recently she started playing games. We went out dancing one night and she spent most of the night grinding on other men. That didn't bother me so much since I know women like to socialize and I received her intimacy and kisses. More recently she isn't answering when I call and such. Of course this put me into a negative state fairly easily and reminded me of the importance of managing my emotions. I had to work pretty hard to let go of the negative thoughts and mindset and emotions and bring them back to the positive side, but I did. Life is to short to feel badly.
I learned a couple lessons from this experience. The first is that I have to stay focused on my goals and the adventure that my life is on and maintain those positive emotions in all areas of my life regardless of what another area is causing. The second thing I learned is that I need to be even more clear when working with the law of attraction. I used it to attract her, but I obviously forgot to ask for a woman who is emotionally available as well as all the other traits I want in a woman. Experience is the greatest teacher, so the more I work with the law of attraction the better I get with it.
So learn from my mistakes. Make sure you are as clear as crystal when you ask the universe for what you want, and make sure you learn to manage your emotions and keep them positive. Good luck on your journey of success!
Peace and Happiness,
The Power Of Progress
There is an incredible power in making progress. It's almost as though a demon possess our body and makes us want to do more. I can't even take a moment to rest without something inside of me nagging to accomplish more and move forward. Action really does beget motivation. Remember to take steps every day to move closer to your goals. Be it one article, or one page on your site, or a page in your book, or whatever your goals are. Remember to always move forward. I took some time and wrote four articles today and they are starting to spread over the net. They have been taken over 370 times on And the more I post the more they are used by other people on other sites. I simply don't have enough time in a day to do as much as I would like as I work a 12 hour day at a job then try to get things done on my site. I am in the process of finding a new job that will allow me more time to work on my site. I have created incredible results with just two to three hours a day and as much time as possible on weekends. I can't wait to explode when I have an additional three to four hours a day to put into my site. I'll keep you posted about how things go for me.
Regular Progress
I have been working very diligently to create articles and get them online to drive traffic to my site. Things have been going wonderfully. I will break over 1000 visitors this month alone. Of course that isn't huge, however, I think it's pretty darn good for my first website ever and only working on it for a month and a half. The sky is the limit and I look forward to building it bigger and bigger. is the beginning of a path toward accomplishing the goals of my life. It's important for us to remember to make progress every day, even if it is just a tiny bit.
The rest of my life is really going through some major reconstruction and change. Things really feel like they are on a seasaw right now and could topple either direction. I hate the feeling of being in limbo like I am right now, and I just want things to break in one direction or another. That is the problem with things sometimes. They get to a point where everything is fragile and needs to move in order for progress to be made, but we do what we can and sometimes it's just not enough. But we keep moving and eventually everything does break and move. As an icy river dams up for awhile, it can't stay that way forever.
Anyway, I will keep posting as often as I can. I intend to get to the point that I am able to post every other day if not everyday to keep those of you reading this post up to date on how things are going and hopefully offer good tips that can help you move forward with your own life and website.
The rest of my life is really going through some major reconstruction and change. Things really feel like they are on a seasaw right now and could topple either direction. I hate the feeling of being in limbo like I am right now, and I just want things to break in one direction or another. That is the problem with things sometimes. They get to a point where everything is fragile and needs to move in order for progress to be made, but we do what we can and sometimes it's just not enough. But we keep moving and eventually everything does break and move. As an icy river dams up for awhile, it can't stay that way forever.
Anyway, I will keep posting as often as I can. I intend to get to the point that I am able to post every other day if not everyday to keep those of you reading this post up to date on how things are going and hopefully offer good tips that can help you move forward with your own life and website.
building a website,
law of attraction,
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
I posted another two articles yesterday. The path to success is sometimes a tedious one. It takes time and effort and energy. I work a full time job of at least ten hours a day, usually twelve, so I don't have the time to put into my website that I would like, but that will all shift. I found out that google has a stats program called google analytics. It's a free program that does a wonderful job at tracking visitors and where they come from and their geographic location and stuff like that. I recommend it for anyone who is getting started with a website. I currently have an average of 15 visitors a day. Not bad for just a months worth of work. I am also looking to get out into other marketing arenas to drive traffic to my site so I'll post about those tactics as I use them.
Another day, another dollar, another dream.
I posted another 7 articles today, and the traffic is already starting to flow in to my website. over the weekend I spent time redoing my site to make it a little more appealing. There is still so much to be done, but so little time to do it all. I had tried to place a form on the main page to start capturing emails and sending out a newsletter, but that didn't work as well as I had hoped it would. is coming along nicely none the less. It will only be a matter of time and constant action until it becomes everything I want it to be. I have started reading about other free options to help drive traffic to my site. I am also in the process of getting more books on the site as well as using paypal to charge for them. In time, I will write my own books and sell them as well as training programs, but that is a very time intensive adventure and will have to wait until I get more traffic flowing. Once I get to a steady flow of traffic, I can begin to really focus on more content and such. I posted some videos about the law of attraction and stuff to my site over the weekend also. I don't think the links are working properly as the movies won't play for some reason. I have to go back in and add more videos as well as figure out why the adsense isn't showing up next to the videos and why the videos are not playing. One step at a time, as an elephant is eaten one bite at a time.
To tired to post last night
I was to tired to post an update last night till I was done moving forward. The goal is to get 250 articles online by the end of May. That is at least four articles a day. I work a good 10 hours a day, so that leaves very little time for me to write like I want, however, I make sure it gets done. Last night I wrote four of the most powerful articles I have written so far. The writing is almost like a drug to me. I get in my zone and the information starts to flow. I see how it will effect people and the world around me. Everyone must have a passion of some sort. is going to be a huge success. After I get close to the 250 articles, I will go back to the website itself and start to re-arrange things so that I can make more money with it. Right now I have adsense, and adsense is ok, however, it takes a lot of visitors to really make any money with adsense unless you choose to create a website that uses key words that people pay a lot of money for. I would prefer to build a website around something I enjoy and right now the law of attraction doesn't make me tons of money for click thrus on adsense. The goal is to create products and courses to sell as well as get to the point where I am able to go out and do seminars. Just remember to start taking action yourself. Everyday that you don't do something is one day longer until you get what you want, and one day that was wasted.
The progress of my rags to riches story.
I spent the last two days writing 16 articles to help drive traffic to my website. I have already seen an increase with just a total 26 written articles and not all of them have been posted on the net yet. Just a little bit each day can make amazing results. It is important to keep my eye on the goal. Wealth in all areas of life. Health, finances, and relationships. With a single minded focus we can accomplish anything we set our sites on. I find that so few people know what they want let alone have the ability to keep their sites on it. Hopefully my journey from having nothing to having everything my heart desire and my blog posts will inspire as well as offer some ideas of how to get there. Sadly, I didn't start posting this the day I started building my site. Check it out, Hopefully there will be some useful information there that you can use. It is no where near what my total vision for it is, however, I work a regular job 10 hours a day so I don't get as much time to work on it as I would like. By the end of this year though, it will provide enough for me to be able to work on it full time. Keep reading my posts and surely you will get some great tips on how to do it yourself as well as blocks to watch out for.
Conviction And Confidence
Every day should be an adventure for us. Every day should be so full of power, and confidence, and love, and joy, and so many other amazing experiences. Yet I am amazed to watch so many people live in misery never realizing that their life is so full of potential. That every single moment holds within it the power to transform their life.
I think this is because so few people ever realize that they have that power. That they alone dictate what their life will be like and how it will turn out. As a book yet unwritten, every page has a story to tell. Every day is a page, every moment a word.
Today was a very powerful day for me. As my conviction for what I want to create grows, my confidence and personal power grows. As I take steps to reach toward what it is I want, things become so much more magical. Every moment of life becomes so much more magical. Every day becomes so much more magical. It is this magic of life that allows us to truly feel alive and inspired. Without passion. Without conviction. Without a burning desire for something. Without a driving force to create our lives the way we want, we grow old and die inside. Without faith and belief in the vast potential of daily life, we simply shrivel up and fade away.
There can be nothing worse than a walking corpse. A person who has lost the ability to truly love. To love others. To love life. To enjoy the passion and beauty in every thing and every moment. It is so much better to develop a conviction for what it is we want, and to take action every single day to make that conviction a reality.
I think this is because so few people ever realize that they have that power. That they alone dictate what their life will be like and how it will turn out. As a book yet unwritten, every page has a story to tell. Every day is a page, every moment a word.
Today was a very powerful day for me. As my conviction for what I want to create grows, my confidence and personal power grows. As I take steps to reach toward what it is I want, things become so much more magical. Every moment of life becomes so much more magical. Every day becomes so much more magical. It is this magic of life that allows us to truly feel alive and inspired. Without passion. Without conviction. Without a burning desire for something. Without a driving force to create our lives the way we want, we grow old and die inside. Without faith and belief in the vast potential of daily life, we simply shrivel up and fade away.
There can be nothing worse than a walking corpse. A person who has lost the ability to truly love. To love others. To love life. To enjoy the passion and beauty in every thing and every moment. It is so much better to develop a conviction for what it is we want, and to take action every single day to make that conviction a reality.
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