
Don't Let Anyone Stop You From Chasing Your Dreams

There are many people in our country that believe that we have the right to happiness, and that the Declaration Of Independence gives us that right. The Declaration Of Independence does not give us the right to happiness. It gives us the right to the pursuit of happiness. There is a big difference. That means that each and every one of us has the right to chase after whatever we believe will bring us happiness. Most people have it backwards. They believe that they have the right to happiness, as though it is someone else's responsibility to give it to them.

No one can give us happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. A state of being in the world. No amount of material things, or love, or stuff in general could ever give us happiness. Granted, those are things that help contribute to our happiness, but they are not what give us happiness. We must realize that only we ourselves can create happiness in our lives by chasing after those things that will help us realize happiness. By finding someone to give our love to. By finding something to devote ourselves to. By finding a place in the world that makes us feel at home and comfortable. True happiness lives on the inside of us, and is reflected in the world by our actions.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you have a dream, you have to hold on to that dream with everything you have. If there is something you want, you have to go and get it. Chasing our dreams and goals is a major part of happiness. Whether our dreams and goals be love, or a career, or a large combination of many different things. We must hold on to our dreams with all our might, and never let anyone strip us of our dreams and goals. That is what the true pursuit of happiness is really all about.