
The Vision

It's important to have a vision in our lives. Something that is worth striving for. Something we want so badly that we will do anything to have it. Anything within moral and ethical values of course. But a purpose that is so consuming that we lose sleep to have it because we go to bed late at night, and wake up early to get started again.

Hopefully the vision you have for your life includes friends, a significant other, good health, and something that you can utterly devote your life to, and hopefully all that allows you to feel happiness and fulfillment in yourself and your life. We must know what we want, and we must know what that looks like. Without a vision, we have no idea where we are going and we have nothing to keep our eyes on.

Without a vision, we have nothing to keep our eyes on. We must have something that we can see in our minds eye that keeps us moving. Without a vision, we can easily get off course with where ever it is we want to go. A vision burns deep within us. It stirs up passion and drive. It causes us to break outside our boundries. A vision allows us to become more than we ever thought possible. It allows us to leave a mark in the world that is greater than we could ever be, and one that lasts longer than we could ever live. A vision inspires us to do more not only for ourselves, but for everyone else in the world, especially the ones we love.

A vision is a powerful force. The problem with most people is they never find a vision that is worthy of them and their efforts, and if they do, they never truly want that vision to become a reality bad enough. Many people have a fascination with what they want, but never a burning passion for that vision. Many people want to be rich financially, but they only long for it. They don't have a burning passion to have that money and do what it takes to get there. A vision and a burning desire to have that vision become a reality is the first, and probably the most important step toward getting what you want. Work on your vision and your drive. Everything else you need will come as you move along.