
The Power Of Love

Love is a very powerful force. It is one of the highest vibrations we can feel on the emotional spectrum. That is why almost everyone is looking for it. It causes our bodies to sing and our minds to realize possibilities that weren't present before love entered our lives. Love is a force that can move mountains, or get in the way of progress.

It's important to not only be loved, but to love in return. The more we are able to love, not just someone we want to be with, but other people and things as much as possible, the closer to understanding the universe we get, and the closer to having what we want we get. Love is a vibration that attracts things to us at an amazing rate.

We must learn to live in a state of constant love. Try this the next time you are driving and find yourself behind someone who angers you. Instead of yelling at the car in front of you to get out or your way, or any other form of negative emotion, remember to calm down for a moment. After you have calmed yourself, put a smile on your face and softly say I love you as you begin to see the car turning off or getting into the other lane in your mind. As you do this, begin to feel the feelings of love. What you will find is that the highway or road will open up in front of you very quickly. The vibration of love allows the universe to open up for us and offer opportunity and insight that would not have been there other wise.

Remember to live in a constant state of love. Remember the power of love. Remember to love, and you will begin to recognize your entire world changing by leaps and bounds.