
Money Is An Idea

Many people believe that money is a thing. In a sense, it is a thing, but it is an idea first. The common perception is that money is something we have to work hard for. I have never really believed this. There is work, and sometimes it's tiresome and long, but it isn't as hard as most people make it out to be.

Most people get a job and work hours upon hours to make a couple hundred dollars a week. I respect that, however, typical labor jobs that most people get involved in really aren't that fulfilling, and they make a person feel old and tired at a very young age. To me, money is an idea, and it's my ability to understand that idea and play with it that will create financial wealth in my life. My ability to relate to the idea and concept of money that will take me where I want to go, and you where you want to go.

For example, selling 100,000 copies of a book at $35 each would net you 3.5 million dollars. Some of you reading this will look at that and say that that is a huge amount and all but impossible. Others will look at it and come up with the idea that there are costs and expenses and until your done you won't be able to keep most of that and all the taxes you would have to pay and a million other excuses. Still others will look at that and realize that it isn't that much at all. Of course it isn't necessarily and easy goal, but it's far from impossible. there are sites like youtube and myspace that have literally millions of visitors a day, and they did that in a very short period of time.

The whole point here is that money is just an idea. That 100,000 sales is pathetic compared to the number of people that sign on to the internet every single moment. The key is to be able to drive enough traffic to a website in the time that you allow yourself to reach that goal. With a 10% conversion, which is actually better than average, that is 1,000,000 visitors. In a three year period, that is only 333,333 visitors a year. 27,777 a month. Over a five year period, the numbers get smaller. Far from impossible. Tough, yes. Impossible, never.