
The Power Of Dreams

The title of this blog is the power of dreams, and I am talking about both types of dreams. The ones we have in our hearts while we are awake, and the ones that we hold in our minds at night as we sleep. Both are powerful forces in our lives, and both need to be recognized and listened to on a regular basis.

The dreams we hold in our hearts during our waking hours dictate much of what we do and the decisions we make on a regular basis. These should be the things that create passion deep inside of us. The parts of us that move us to do more with ourselves and our lives. The pieces of our lives that give us something to wake up for every morning. Be it in love, business, pleasure, or whatever part of our lives. Our dreams are what turn us into the people we become, and the choices we make to get there shape our character. The people with out dreams are the ones who die the quickest, on the inside and the outside.

Our dreams at night on the other hand are a little bit different. These are a direct reflection into our emotions and our desires and our hopes. It is our subconscious mind trying to communicate with us. Tell us what is really going on inside of us and sometimes on the outside in the world around us. Our dreams need our attention on a regular basis because they give us incredible insight into where we currently are. Our emotions and our reactions to things.

For example, I had a dream last night that I was on a train and I had a human heart. I had to protect that human heart from ghosts that were coming to get it. I wasn't afraid or anything of these ghosts because I knew that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get the heart from me. I had to pay attention and be careful, but I just knew they wouldn't be able to get it. I believe this dream means that I have to be careful with my heart as I keep it out in the open from the ghosts of not only my past, but of my present. I am still not sure what the train was all about, or why all of this happened at night in my dream, but that will come with a little more reflection.

The point though is that our dreams tell us a lot of information that we should pay attention to. Our waking dreams and desires tell us where we want to go and what path we should be on to find our own sense of happiness and peace. Our dreams at night help us know if we are on the right path or not. Learn to listen to all your dreams. They are incredibly powerful forces and offer insight into many different parts of ourselves and our lives.

Emotional Control

Learning to manage our emotions can be one of the most valuable skills we can ever learn. There is so much in the world and our daily lives sometimes that will effect our emotions in a negative way that we just can't afford not to manage our emotions. The law of attraction states that we will attract to us what ever we think and feel about the most. So we have to manage our emotions and keep them in the positive realm. I know, that's not always the easiest thing to do.

About three months ago I met a woman with whom I had been talking with on an almost daily basis. Of course I didn't love this woman, but I had begun to feel strongly for her. Well, recently she started playing games. We went out dancing one night and she spent most of the night grinding on other men. That didn't bother me so much since I know women like to socialize and I received her intimacy and kisses. More recently she isn't answering when I call and such. Of course this put me into a negative state fairly easily and reminded me of the importance of managing my emotions. I had to work pretty hard to let go of the negative thoughts and mindset and emotions and bring them back to the positive side, but I did. Life is to short to feel badly.

I learned a couple lessons from this experience. The first is that I have to stay focused on my goals and the adventure that my life is on and maintain those positive emotions in all areas of my life regardless of what another area is causing. The second thing I learned is that I need to be even more clear when working with the law of attraction. I used it to attract her, but I obviously forgot to ask for a woman who is emotionally available as well as all the other traits I want in a woman. Experience is the greatest teacher, so the more I work with the law of attraction the better I get with it.

So learn from my mistakes. Make sure you are as clear as crystal when you ask the universe for what you want, and make sure you learn to manage your emotions and keep them positive. Good luck on your journey of success!

Peace and Happiness,