
What Happened To Confidence?

I was speaking at an event last night, and I was amazed at what I had seen. Here was a group of people who truly wanted to succeed. People who sold an image. Yet, most of these people were nothing like the image they were trying to sell. These people had dreams, goals, things they wanted to accomplish. Yet very few of them honestly believed they deserved it or could actually have it.

I look around at people now days and I have to ask, what happened to confidence? In our society today, we have thousands of people telling us who and what to be. Family, friends, the media, magazines, music, athletes, stars. All we have to do is open our eyes and we will see people telling us who and what to be. We have lost the drive to be who we wish to be, who we want to be ourselves.

Especially when working with the law of attraction, we all need to make sure that we love ourselves. That we have a healthy relationship with ourselves. We have to develop the self esteem of knowing that we are perfect as we already are, and be ok with that person. Then we can develop the confidence to be ok with being wrong, being right, simply being.

If you aren't ok with who you are, no one else will be. You must love yourself before anyone else will love you. Develop the ability to be ok with who you are right now. You must also develop the ability to be grateful and happy for who and what you currently are in order to start manifesting and attracting the life you want to live.

Work on your confidence. Develop your self esteem. Work on being the type of person who deserves what you want to have. The type of person who believes they deserve what it is you want.

The Law Of Attraction Expert,
Dwayne Gilbert

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